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Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Cube | Interactive Visual Display Systems | Floor Projection

I was online in search of ways to make our exhibits at the MS 4-H Museum more interactive and I found this, The Cube!

(Be prepared I turn into a kid at Christmas right about now)

This is so freaking cool!! Imagine the possibilities in a museum! The touchscreen kiosk is taken to the floor! I totally want one of these for my museum! Think of the fun!!! Kids and Adults stomping around interacting directly with your museum content!!

(OK now back to the curator I am)

The Cube is made by GestureTek. I contacted GestureTek to inquire about pricing and they seemed eager to help me until I inquired about a base line price then they stopped contacting me so I assume the product is pretty pricey. Oh well, customer service can overcome a lot, too bad.

GestureTek also has many other interactive displays mostly marketing to large corporations and retail. I would never leave a museum if this was part of the exhibit.
I am also a big fan of the interactive table exhibit that they offer.

The only question is, how do we make this educational? That is always the question with museums. We strive to keep the informal learning ongoing at our locations. I think this technology could be utilized just as our touchscreen kiosks are used. Include fun, interactive games and information for youth and adults alike.

Till next time y'all!

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