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About Me

Who is Museum Dancer?

Well for starters my real name is Tiffany Holder.

I am the Curator and Exhibit Coordinator at the Mississippi 4-H Learning Center and Pete Frierson 4-H Museum (a.k.a. MS 4-H Museum).

Not enough info for you? Hmmm...well I guess I could tell y'all why I am writing this blog.

I have always been kind of an odd duck. I love all things artsy but at the same time I am a complete science geek.
When I started college I was known by a select few as the "Dancing Geologist" due to the fact that I chose to double major in Geology and Dance at New Mexico State University.
Well that didn't last that long, turns out that kind of thing will keep you in school for about 8 years. I was way too impatient for that. So I chose to keep my Geology major and just dance for fun.

Speeding forward quite a few years.......

I joined the NMSU DanceSport Team (now Aggie DanceSport Team) and began my love affair with ballroom, Latin and swing dancing. It is an addiction that is impossible to kick and that I would never try to get rid of.

Backing up quite a few years.....

I Love Museums!! Since I can remember I have loved going to museums. I was the kid who would have rather gone to a Natural History museum than Chuckie Cheese.  I could (and still can) spend hours and even days in some museums. I am one of those people that reads every text panel and forgets I am supposed to be spending time with friends or family on museum visits.

Now, to where I am now.....

In May of 2010 I walked across that stage and shook many hands to receive my MA in History (emphasis Public History, focus Museum Studies). I kept dancing through grad school and am still dancing today when I can. I was the Education Intern at the Las Cruces Museum of Natural History for almost 2 years during graduate school and I owe them so much.

I love my position at the MS 4-H Museum. I am challenged daily and I work with a wonderful staff at the MS 4-H office. I have the opportunity of a lifetime to redesign an entire museum!! That is huge!!

Oh...back on topic...why am I writing this blog.....

Well I have a unique (artsy/science) brain and I want to share it with the world. Museums are magical places that can take us any where and they deserve to be explored!

P.S. I will occasionally sneak in a dance plug to convert all those "non-dancers" into the dancers that hide inside us all!!

And to give you a teaser, here is a video of me dancing a Rumba!!