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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Social Media told through Dilbert

Dilbert never disappoints. My mom sent me this cartoon knowing I would totally get it and love it!

This comic strip depicts the social media world we live in today perfectly. Companies (and Museums) want the benefits of social media marketing however they are unwilling to let go of their fears in order to utilize it in the best way.

In my life as a graduate student I focused my research on this exact area of study.  Social Media Marketing is a fantastic tool for Museums to reach the "non-museum goer" but many museums see it has simply an advertising outlet.
The point of Social Media is to create conversations with people (i.e. museum worker to patron).  It is called "Social" for a reason. The idea is to create relationships with visitors so they feel invested in the museum.

(OK enough with my rant on Social Media for Museums)

In my current life, along with being the Curator for the Mississippi 4-H Museum I am also the Social Media Director of sorts. I am in charge of both Twitter and Facebook accounts for both MS 4-H and the MS 4-H Museum. So I have a slightly vested interest in the utilization of Social Media in the workplace. I spend a fare amount of my time at work on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, or Blogging about my experiences at the museum.

They say, once you put it on the Internet it is their forever. Well I do not see that as a bad thing. As a historian, I love the fact that their are records on FB and Twitter of how people today lived their lives and the everyday things that make up a culture are posted on easily accessible mediums. It may not be as romantic as reading through a journal of a peasant from 18th Century England but it does essentially make everyone their own archivist.

(Guess I am full of rants today, back to the point)

Any of my (few but fantastic) readers relate to this strip and got any good stories? Share them in the comments!! Pretty Please!!

Till next time y'all!

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