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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Museum Geekiness has infiltrated the world!

The concept of the "geek" has been gaining popularity in main stream culture with newly converted trekkies (me) and the popularity of shows like "My Life as Liz" or "The Big Bang Theory."
However the idea of museum geeks being popular seemed too good to ever come to fruition. The current museum references such as the "Night at the Museum" movies portray a security guard as the star and the curator is seen as a joke. This is why I was surprised to see an entire section of products from my favorite screen printing company, CafePress, dedicated to museum workers and museums!!
So I will leave you with these images to ponder over. They made my life as a museum professional seem accepted, if only in my head.

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This one is for all of us paleo geeks who go through the kids dinosaur sets and pull out the Dimetrodons!
Till next time y'all.

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