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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Museum Dancer Blog has moved

I have finally purchased my own domain!!! Yes, I am official now.
So from now on you can catch my blog at
My old posts and comments transfered to the new site along with the information pages.
The look of the website will most likely change, I am in the development stage of its creation.
Thanks for the support and I'll see ya on the new site.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

What is a true Geek?

I am a self proclaimed Geek, however lately I have realized I am not quite as much of one as I thought.

courtesy of Great White Snark

I am a geek when it comes to museums, social networking, and dancing. I love me some Stark Trek, Star WarsPrincess Bride, Warehouse 13, Avatar: the Last Airbender and The Big Bang Theory but I am only mildly geeky when it comes to tech and even less geeky when it comes to programing. I spend a majority of my time on my office computer, IPhone, IPad, and personal Laptop. But I am slightly out of the loop when dealing with installing tech or programming. I am learning more everyday but I am no expert.

So my question to those of you that happen to run across my blog in a Stumble search or to my two subscribers (thanks Mom and Rob), Am I a Geek?

What qualifies me to be labeled a geek?

I have watched every episode of Bones and The Last Airbender however I am still working on The Big Bang Theory and Star Trek (Next Gen). I have multiple wish lists at including a Yoda USB Desk protector and Settlers of Catan board game. I am a registered Apple Developer (however I have yet to develop anything). I am the Social Media Marketer for 4 separate organizations so i know the tricks of the Social Media trade but so do many many other "regular joes/janes."

I barely passed C Programing as an undergraduate however I aced Preventative Conservation and Care of Collections. I struggled with Calculus but I soared through the History of the Global Political Economy. I can set up your new computer but don't ask me to fix your old one.

I found a chart that I hoped would shine some light on the situation, however it only confused me more. The Geek Hierarchy Chart. It is a classification of someone's geekiness based on various categories (literature, video games, TV, movies, and art). The chart can be read from least geeky at the top to most geeky at the bottom. The closest thing I could come to me is "Science Fiction Television Fans." which is not very high on the geek chart. I am about a 3rd level geek.

courtesy of
I also found a much simpler chart to explain the difference between Geeks, Nerds, and Dorks (a question I am sure has been burning in the back of your mind).

courtesy of
Should I label myself as a Museum/Dancing/History/Social Media Geek who is a little geeky when it comes to technology and pop culture but is very square when dealing with programing or hardware? Or can I simply be called a Geek?

You tell me.